Back-end Sculling


Highlights from Ryan Demaine’s (Headington School Chief Coach) recent British Rowing Webinars on ‘The Finish

His mantra is: RELAXATION-RHYTHM-EFFICIENCY with 2 objectives:

  1. Conservation of Momentum
  2. Optimisation of Efficiency
LATE DRIVE to finish

Force should always remain on the footplate

Handle force against the feet, do not pull

Weight on the front of the seat/front wheels

Shoulders relaxed

Core and glutes engaged

Drill: Feet out sculling


Body remains stable Simple movement from the elbows. Agile use of the hands, blade is feathered ‘in the fingers’

The handle keeps moving, some sit time, body remains still.

DRILL: Release, arms & body only, add some slide, hold ‘the resistance’ & smooth release

FINISH to Rock-over


Hands in and out at the same speed, a natural movement, flow like the water around you, do not ‘chase’ the blade

DRILL: 1 – 2 – 3 with slight pause then smooth out


Rock over from the hips

Once the knees ‘soften’ the body is stable

Organise effectively to rock-over position

DRILL: Rockover mobility sitting in scull; mini pause when rock-over completed as reference point